The Impact of 750kV Transformer Three-phase Winding Parameter Asymmetry on Overvoltage of the Symmetrical System |
Ma Zhenqi, Wen Dingjun, Pan Zhen, Wang Jin, Jiang Feng |
State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730050 |
Abstract 750kV transformer is important in 750kV power grid and plays a major role in safe operation of power grid. The paper analyzes the causes of asymmetric three-phase winding parameters of 750kV transformer and establishes research model of Northwest 750kV transmission system, applies electro-magnetic transient simulation program to focuses on the impact of operating overvoltage caused by Three-phase Winding Parameter Asymmetry through several typical operating modes.
Published: 26 February 2016
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Ma Zhenqi,Wen Dingjun,Pan Zhen等. The Impact of 750kV Transformer Three-phase Winding Parameter Asymmetry on Overvoltage of the Symmetrical System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(2): 67-71.
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