Research on Transient Characteristics of Passing Neutral Section in CRH2 EMU Trains Traction Motor |
Zhang Kaiyi, Sheng Yifa, Li Yongsheng |
College of Electrical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang, Hu’nan 421001 |
Abstract In order to study the transient characteristics of traction motor in Passing Neutral Section, regarding YQ-365 traction motor of CRH2 EMU trains as the research subject, based on over-voltage of switch closing and opening of ground’s auto-passing neutral section at switching time, experimental model of transient characteristics of traction motor of ground’s auto-passing neutral section at switching time in simulation platform is set up based on Matlab/Simulink, and the change of electrical characteristics of traction motor under the condition of passing neutral section is studied.
Published: 20 April 2016
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Zhang Kaiyi,Sheng Yifa,Li Yongsheng. Research on Transient Characteristics of Passing Neutral Section in CRH2 EMU Trains Traction Motor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(4): 38-41.
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