Optimized Design and Experiment Research on BAPV Grid-connected Plant Based on Separated MPPT Technology |
Li Xiaoxiao1, 2, Zhao Zhengming1, Ju Zhenhe2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power System, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084; 2. Liaoning Solar Energy R&D Co., Ltd, Shenyang 110136 |
Abstract For the deficiency of the centralized MPPT photovoltaic power generation system, a separated MPPT photovoltaic technology is put forward and applied to the BAPV system design of a building. The principle of the separated MPPT technology is elaborated detailed and the electric diagrams of panels are given. The Bishop model of photovoltaic cell and photovoltaic array are built up. U-P and U-I characteristics curves of array under different sheltering are obtained. And the output power of separated MPPT photovoltaic system is compared with that of centralized MPPT photovoltaic system under different sheltering. Two photovoltaic arrays on the building are selected to do contrasting experiments. The power curves in the shade shielding time and in the whole day are obtained. The experimental results show that the daily generation power of the separated MPPT photovoltaic system is increased by 8.45% compared with that of the centralized MPPT photovoltaic system. Through the statistics of four consecutive months, the whole generation power of the separated MPPT unit is increased by 6.48%.
Published: 26 June 2014
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Li Xiaoxiao,Zhao Zhengming,Ju Zhenhe. Optimized Design and Experiment Research on BAPV Grid-connected Plant Based on Separated MPPT Technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(02): 1-6.
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