Optimization Design of Magnetic Shields onto Power Transformer Tank |
Shi Jian1, 2, Li Lin1, Cheng Zhiguang2, Zhang Dong2, Zhang Junjie1 |
1. North China Electric Power University, Heibei, Baoding 071000; 2.Baoding Tianwei Group, Heibei, Baoding 071056 |
Abstract In order to improve the shielding design and reduce the power loss, the automatic adjustment for the lamination thickness, the modeling and simulation, and the design optimization of the magnetic shields have been carried out, using both the optimizing software OptiNet and magnetic analysis software MagNet. An efficient and cost effective electromagnetic design of the magnetic shields is implemented, and the optimization design procedure and results based on an engineering example are also presented.
Published: 26 June 2014
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Shi Jian,Li Lin,Cheng Zhiguang等. Optimization Design of Magnetic Shields onto Power Transformer Tank[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(02): 7-11.
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