Discussion on Harmonic Suppression and Control Design Method of Low Voltage Distribution System |
Mao Jing1, Fang Jianmei2 |
1. State Grid Ningbo Cixi Power Supply Company, Cixi, Zhejiang 315000; 2. Zhejiang Donghe Engineering Design Co., Ltd, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315040 |
Abstract With the rapid development of power system, power quality problems caused by more and more attention. Due to the popularity of a variety of nonlinear load, the pollution of harmonics is increasing, so the harmonic governance has become a widespread concern at home and abroad. This paper mainly expounds the harmonic pollution and its harm, methods of harmonic suppression and suppression, and the electrical equipment of the generated harmonic source to do a specific analysis.
Published: 06 December 2017
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Mao Jing,Fang Jianmei. Discussion on Harmonic Suppression and Control Design Method of Low Voltage Distribution System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(11): 128-132.
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