Discussion of Thermal Simulation Method about High-voltage Switchgear |
Du Li1, 2, Ding Yongsheng1, 3, Jiang Fuxiu1, 2 |
1. Nari Group Corporation State Grid Electronic Power Research Institute, Nanjing 211000; 2. Jiangsu Nari Power Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211000; 3. Shanghai Zhixin Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200335 |
Abstract To measure if the switchgear can run steady long-term, temperature rise is an important factor. Based on the example ofoutlet cabinetwith typical structure KYN96-12, method of thermal simulation about high-voltage switchgear was discussed. First, the switchgear was simplified effectively and reasonable finite element model was generated. Then heating power of the switchgear was simulated through an electromagnetic simulation software. At last, temperature field data was obtained after the steady state thermal analysis. Test results have verified that simplified switchgear model is reasonable and method of heating effect simulation proper. Simulation data of switchgear can guide the optimization design of its temperature rise.
Published: 06 December 2017
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