Analysis and Process on a Defect of 500kV Transformer Clamp Insulation Zero Resistance Against Ground |
Zhang Xingfei |
Hebei Electric Power Maintenance Company, Shijiazhuang 050070 |
Abstract This paper introduces a defect of 500kV transformer clamp insulation zero resistance against ground after returned to the factory repair, and the defect is based on the field test, it is pointed out that the direct reason of the clamp insulation zero resistance against ground fault of the transformer is insufficient clearance between clamps and cover, and the concrete improvement are put forward in combination with the defect.
Published: 06 December 2017
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Zhang Xingfei. Analysis and Process on a Defect of 500kV Transformer Clamp Insulation Zero Resistance Against Ground[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(11): 142-144.
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