Analysis and Countermeasure for Data Abnormal Fault of Protective Relay |
Deng Yong1, Huang Feng2, Lu Zhen1, Song Fuhai1, Ren Xiaohui1 |
1. State Grid Fujian Power-Dispatch & Control Center, Fuzhou 350003; 2. State Grid Fuzhou Electric Power Supply Company, Fuzhou 350009 |
Abstract This paper faced to a fault of protective relay that device alarmed "flash error" with sent the message of differential protection element action. The details of the process of action, inspection and defect diagnosis were introduced. The cause of fault was that the poor contact of Hdlc chip leaded to disorder of CPU bus and maked every chip contacting to the bus operate unstably. According to the fault, the detail of structure of protective relay was analyzed, propound that the status and communication of chips should be monitored and the operation life of Flash should be evaluated.
Published: 06 December 2017
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