Adaptive Control Strategy for Optimum Transient Response of Energy Storage Supercapacitor |
Chen Wei1, Ye Shaoshi2, Liu Dong1 |
1. Zhejiang Insigma United Engineering Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310051; 2. Nokia Networks, Hangzhou 310053 |
Abstract Supercapacitor is utilized to provide fast dynamic response for the energy storage system in micro grid application, which requires the output transient response ought to be identical to ease the design of downstream load by decrease the dependence of electrical spec matching. To fulfill that requirement, this paper proposes a novel adaptive control strategy aiming at having the same transient response for the output of the converter. The most suitable control parameters are calculated under different operation conditions based on the step response characteristic, which is through the modeling of the system and under the safety of stable operation. The MCU can online select the proper combinations of control parameters corresponding to the condition that the converter is currently working under with, to maintain a same output transient response under all conditions. The detail operation principles, as well as the design considerations, were presented. A prototype was built to verify the validity and applicability of this proposed adaptive control strategy, thus proves its engineering value for industrial practice.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Chen Wei,Ye Shaoshi,Liu Dong. Adaptive Control Strategy for Optimum Transient Response of Energy Storage Supercapacitor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 90-94.
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