The Design of Integrated Error Offline Measurement System for Secondary Loop Measurement Device of Intelligent Substation |
Liu Huanlei, He Jinhong, Kang Jian |
State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company Changzhi Power Supply Company, Changzhi, Shanxi 046001 |
Abstract In view of the domestic intelligent substation secondary loop metering device integrated error measuring not mature and the present situation of the measuring equipment, design a set of intelligent substation secondary loop metering device integrated error off-line measuring system. By receiving the system checked watt-hour meter power pulse signal measured and compared with standard watt-hour meter three-phase ac electric energy comparing method, realizes the intelligent substation secondary loop metering device comprehensive error of measurement. The system meets the design requirements through laboratory testing. The design of the device fills the gap in the comprehensive error measurement of the secondary circuit of the domestic intelligent substation, simplifies the field testing work and provides the guarantee for the safe and stable operation of the intelligent substation.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Liu Huanlei,He Jinhong,Kang Jian. The Design of Integrated Error Offline Measurement System for Secondary Loop Measurement Device of Intelligent Substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 138-141.
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