Discussion and Application of 240V HVDC in the Field of Communication System of China Aerospace |
Liu Dongliang |
Aerospace Communication Center, Beijing 100830 |
Abstract Aerospace Communication has a high requirement on the safety and reliability of the power supply on communication system. With the obvious advantages in reliability, investment, energy conservation etc, 240V HVDC (high voltage direct current) power supply technology has become widely used in the IT equipment field. Based on the reality of the current communication system of China Aerospace, the feasibility and key engineering techniques are analyzed, and the suggestion of popularizing and applying in HVDC power supply system is put forward.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Liu Dongliang. Discussion and Application of 240V HVDC in the Field of Communication System of China Aerospace[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 142-145.
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