Study on improving the operating frequency of pulse power system of RSD with four-multiple-voltage technology |
Shang Chao, Liu Yunlong, Wang Wencheng, Tai Liuchen |
Department of Information and Control Engineering, Weifang University, Weifang, Shandong 261061 |
Abstract The repetitive frequency operation of RSD was studied and the circuit was designed based on the single operation of RSD in paper. Aiming at the problem that the capacitor in system was charged with a low speed, four-multiple-voltage circuit was firstly advanced to charge capacitance, which improves the operation frequency of the pulse power system. Simulations and experiments show that the fast charge of capacitor was achieved by four-multiple-voltage circuit, and the voltage of capacitance of 3μF can reach 2.0kV within 150μs. The operation frequency of the system can reach 500Hz based on the four-multiple-voltage charge, and the peak current is 2.2kA (pulse width is about 9μs), di/dt 497.2A/μs.
Received: 16 July 2017
Published: 07 February 2018
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Shang Chao,Liu Yunlong,Wang Wencheng等. Study on improving the operating frequency of pulse power system of RSD with four-multiple-voltage technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(2): 32-35.
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