Study on the accident of current injured in the maintenance of electrified railway power transfixion line |
Tang Dening1, Lang Bing1, Chen Shan2, Zhao Jun2 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044; 2. Yuxi Power Supply Section of Kunming Railways Bureau, Kunming 650100 |
Abstract The induction electricity in the 10kV power transfixion line maintenance section adjacent to the electrified railway will cause serious personal injury of the on-site maintenance workers, if there is any improper security measures. This paper analyzes the reasons of electric current wounding incident during the process of the maintenance of power transfixion line, and studies the mechanism of electromagnetic influence electrified railways has upon adjacent power transfixion line. Meanwhile, researches the calculation of electrostatic induction voltage, electromagnetic induction potential and induction current. Furthermore, compare the calculation solution of the inductive electricity in 8.11 event in Kunming power supply section to the measured data in the field, which verifies the validity of the electromagnetic induction calculation. It has practical significance to assess the strength of induction electricity in the on-site maintenance section and to provide a scientific basis for making the prevention measures of induced electric injury.
Received: 12 March 2018
Published: 31 August 2018
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Tang Dening,Lang Bing,Chen Shan等. Study on the accident of current injured in the maintenance of electrified railway power transfixion line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(8): 184-190.
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