Research on optimal matching scheme of renewable energy based on renewable energy consumption ability |
Liu Fei, Tao Xin, Zhang Xiangcheng, Li Nan, Ma Xue |
State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company Economic Research Institute, Xining 810000 |
Abstract With the large-scale development of new energy, the issue of new energy consumption has gradually emerged. Under the premise of guaranteeing reliable integration of solar and wind power, and maintaining stable and safe operation of the power grid, renewable energy acceptability of the grid may differs from grid strengths, power structures, or load levels. In this paper, calculations of discard rate and acceptability of renewable power generation in Power Grid, and multiple renewable power integration schemes consider of the priority or the optimum ratio of solar and wind power based on the power generation and complementarity characteristics are given in order to coordinate the power and grid development, ensure the reasonable development scale and effective consumption of new energy power generation in Qinghai Province and proposed constructive advice for the follow-up new energy integration to reduce renewable power discard.
Received: 10 August 2018
Published: 17 June 2019
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Liu Fei,Tao Xin,Zhang Xiangcheng等. Research on optimal matching scheme of renewable energy based on renewable energy consumption ability[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(6): 50-55.
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