The importance of supervision in installation and commissioning of tank circuit breakers |
Hu Quanyi, Zhang Yang, Zuo Xiujiang, Zhang Xingyu, Liu Tianqi |
State Grid East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Research Institute, Hohhot 010020 |
Abstract In recent years, the quality control of circuit breaker is not strict during the installation process, leading to the foreign bodies entering and the poor installation quality, which causes the internal discharge fault of the circuit breaker during commissioning. By analyzing the faults of two 500kV tank circuit breakers. In the installation stage, there is not strictly in accordance with the operating standards, resulting in insect entring and closing resistance misalignment, internal breakdown fault occurred during the commissioning process. It is of great significance for the safe and stable operation of circuit breakers to strengthen the supervision of the installation stage, to strengthen the acceptance and storage of circuit breakers, the quality management of installation, the inspection of installation environment, the management of components and the supervision of commissioning stage, and to operate strictly in accordance with standardization.
Received: 03 April 2019
Published: 29 September 2019
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Hu Quanyi,Zhang Yang,Zuo Xiujiang等. The importance of supervision in installation and commissioning of tank circuit breakers[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 110-113.
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