Development of modular power quality comprehensive control device for 100A/400V |
Liu Qingsong |
Shanghai Huakun Electrical Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201108 |
Abstract This paper introduces the development and experimental operation of the 100A/400V modular power quality integrated control device. The device is mainly used to comprehensively control the power quality of the three-phase four-wire power grid system. The main contents of this paper include the working principle of the device and the main circuit topology used by the device and the core control circuit based on digital signal processor (DSP) and complex programmable logic device (CPLD). Finally, the test results of pure harmonic current filtering, pure reactive power compensation and harmonic filter and reactive power compensation are given. The experimental results show that Huakun power quality integrated control device (HKPQCD) has high application value in the current power grid environment with complex power quality problems.
Received: 21 May 2019
Published: 19 December 2019
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