Research on customer energy efficiency optimization model based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and principal component analysis |
Hong Huawei1, Wang Feng1, Zheng Peng1, Wen Buying2 |
1. State Grid Fujian Electric Power Company, Fuzhou 350001; 2. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract The customer's energy efficiency reflects the customer's power quality at a certain level. Evaluating and optimizing the energy efficiency is the key to help customers improve the power quality. Electricity customers often accumulate a large amount of energy consumption information in the actual production process. In order to better use these data in evaluating the energy efficiency of customers and guiding users to improve energy efficiency. This paper proposes a customer electrical energy efficiency evaluation method based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and principal component analysis. Experiments show that this method can evaluate the energy efficiency of power users more accurately. In order to help power users improve the efficiency of power consumption and the quality of power consumption, they can lay the foundation for customers to reduce the cost of electricity.
Received: 31 March 2020
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Hong Huawei,Wang Feng,Zheng Peng等. Research on customer energy efficiency optimization model based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and principal component analysis[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(10): 29-34.
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