Evaluation system of ship's environmental comfort based on LoRa technology |
Lu Quanxiao1, Wang Zhimin2, Chen Songtao2, Shi Bin1 |
1. Southeast University, Nanjing 210000; 2. Zhenjiang Saiernico Automation Co., Ltd, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212000 |
Abstract The traditional ship cable communication system needs to lay a large number of cables, which has poor anti-interference and is difficult to maintain, and the comfort evaluation system needs to collect the temperature and humidity of the cabin which is widely distributed throughout the ship. To solve this problem, LoRa technology with long transmission distance and strong antijamming capability is used to build the wireless environment data sensing system of ship cabin. This system takes each cabin as the data acquisition node, uses sensors to collect relevant environmental parameters, and sets up several independent gateways according to the cabin type. LoRa technology is used to send node data wirelessly to the corresponding gateway, and then WiFi is used to send the data collected by each gateway to the upper control system. Finally, the PMV value is calculated and evaluated in the environmental comfort evaluation model.
Received: 25 April 2020
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Lu Quanxiao,Wang Zhimin,Chen Songtao等. Evaluation system of ship's environmental comfort based on LoRa technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(10): 35-40.
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