SPCD-based visual comparison method of the physical circuit of the converter station control and protection system |
TANG Xiaozheng, SHI Lin, YU Chunlei, SONG Jinshan, ZHANG Xiang |
State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd, Maintenance Branch, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract With the vigorous development of DC transmission technology, the reliable and stable operation of converter stations will face huge challenges. Although the optical fiber physical circuit model (SPCD) document of the smart substation has stipulated the description information of the optical fiber circuit in the secondary circuit of the smart station, many of the unique physical objects of the converter station are not involved, so it is not fully compatible with the use of the DC converter station; In addition, the excessive number of model drawings, internal TDM bus, DP bus modification and other reasons cause the operation and maintenance personnel to constantly modify and adjust the physical circuit model file, so the problem of more SPCD file versions and inconvenience in operation and maintenance occurs. In response to the above problems, this paper expands to a certain extent on the basis of the optical fiber physical circuit model (SPCD) file to adapt to the unique bus and relay of the converter station; and designs a visual comparison method based on the SPCD model to achieve Visualization and version difference comparison of four levels of physical object model attributes in the converter station, physical cables between screens, cable cores between screens, and cable core loops in cabinets are presented. This facilitates the operation and maintenance personnel to manage the SPCD version and effectively improves the operation and maintenance efficiency.
Received: 25 September 2020
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TANG Xiaozheng,SHI Lin,YU Chunlei等. SPCD-based visual comparison method of the physical circuit of the converter station control and protection system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 93-98.
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