Construction of geological disaster monitoring system based on Beidou system |
ZHANG Tongwei, LI Lingying |
Diqing Power Supply Bureau of Yunnan Power Grid Corporation, Diqing, Yunnan 674400 |
Abstract In order to reduce the influence of geological disasters on power supply lines, it is necessary to continuously observe the landslides and obtain the dynamic information of geological changes. Traditional monitoring method consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, but it is difficult to ensure the reliability. In order to realize on-line monitoring of geological changes, a geological disaster monitoring method based on high-precision Beidou Positioning System is proposed. Through the Beidou high-precision positioning technology and wireless communication technology, the online monitoring of the geological conditions is realized. It will support the operation and maintenance personnel of power equipment implement disaster prevention and rescue measures timely and accurately. It provides a reference for the construction of geological disaster early warning system.
Received: 04 June 2020
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ZHANG Tongwei,LI Lingying. Construction of geological disaster monitoring system based on Beidou system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 99-103.
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