Analysis of internal short-circuit fault in rotor of 1 080MW turbine generator |
KANG Yiqun1, SONG Mengqiong2, SONG Yang3 |
1. State Grid Hubei Electric Science and Research Institute, Wuhan 430077; 2. State Grid Hubei Technology Training Center, Wuhan 430071; 3. Hubei Fangyuan Dongli Electric Power Science and Researche Limited Company, Wuhan 430077 |
Abstract Rotor short-circuit fault is one of common fault of turbine generator, threating safety of equipment and power system. This paper takes rotor short-circuit fault of 1 080MW turbine generator as example, discussing the process, analysis, and treatmen of fault. Locating fault point at conductor pole in rotor by field examination, AC impedance test, RSO test, and excitation system test. Then determing the rotor grounding fault was caused by short circuit between positive and negative electrode in conductor pole after disintegrating faulty components.
Received: 09 June 2020
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KANG Yiqun,SONG Mengqiong,SONG Yang. Analysis of internal short-circuit fault in rotor of 1 080MW turbine generator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(2): 42-47.
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