Influence of post insulators on electric field distribution of AC filter circuit breakers |
LI Xinwei, HUANG Yangjue, TAN Lingqi |
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Power Equipment Reliability Enterprises (Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation), Guangzhou 510080 |
Abstract The AC filter circuit breaker is an important part of the AC filter field of the high-voltage DC transmission system, and it is an important electrical equipment that ensures the frequent switching of the AC filter caused by the system reactive power change. In recent years, there have been repeated occurrences of breakdown and bursting of AC filter circuit breakers in the switching process of ±800kV converter stations, which seriously threatens the safe and stable operation of the DC transmission system. In order to analyze the reasons, this paper builds a ±800kV DC transmission system and an AC filter circuit breaker electromagnetic transient simulation model based on PSCAD/EMTDC. Combined with the distribution characteristics of the external insulation of the AC filter circuit breaker in operation, the single-break voltage characteristics of the AC filter circuit breaker are simulated and analyzed. Based on the internal structure and parameters of the AC filter circuit breaker arc extinguishing chamber, an Ansys finite element simulation model is built, and the electric field strength distribution in the arc extinguishing chamber is simulated and calculated.
Received: 25 September 2020
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LI Xinwei,HUANG Yangjue,TAN Lingqi. Influence of post insulators on electric field distribution of AC filter circuit breakers[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(8): 73-77.
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