Risk analysis of the 35kV ground handcart tripping over in the process of transfer to maintenance |
SHEN Xielin, HONG Weidong |
Quanzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd, Quanzhou, Fujian 362011 |
Abstract In order to enhance the explosion proof capability of the cabinet under the internal short circuit arcing fault of switchgear, it is updated to clad withdrawable indoor AC metal-enclosed switchgear, which added about 0.06m lower door frame, resulting the 35kV ground handcart to track along the guide rail to the ground in the process of transfer to maintenance to overcome the landing height difference. The gravity center of the 35kV ground handcart is high, and the castor angle is small, so the tripping over risk is large. This paper uses Solid Works simulation of three typical 35kV ground handcarts to calculate the center of gravity and the castor angle, and calculate the speed of the free landing to the ground and the critical tripping over speed. It is found that the landing speed of the handcart in the process of transfer to maintenance is greater than the critical tripping over speed. Once the handcart is blocked by the emergency stop, it will dump, which is threatening personal safety.
Received: 23 January 2024
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SHEN Xielin,HONG Weidong. Risk analysis of the 35kV ground handcart tripping over in the process of transfer to maintenance[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(7): 75-80.
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