A fault analysis method based on association rule mining for distribution terminal unit |
PEI Runsheng, REN Yu, ZHANG Xia |
Zhongshan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528400 |
Abstract With the development of distribution networks, large amounts of distribution terminal units (DTU) are applied to the power system. DTU faults threaten the stable and safe operation of power systems. It is significant to reduce the fault incidence of DTU devices and improve the efficiency of fault elimination. In this paper, a DTU fault analysis method using an association rule mining algorithm is proposed. Key factors of DTU fault are analyzed at first. Then, the main concept of the Eclat algorithm is illustrated, and its performance is compared with FP-Growth and Apriori algorithms using DTU fault databases of different sizes. Afterwards, a DTU fault analysis method based on the Eclat algorithm is proposed. The effectiveness of this method is proven by experiment using a realistic DTU fault database. Finally, the application of this method was presented to demonstrate its practicality.
Received: 29 February 2024
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PEI Runsheng,REN Yu,ZHANG Xia. A fault analysis method based on association rule mining for distribution terminal unit[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(7): 68-74.
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