Development and application of generator excitation online monitoring system |
SU Rongqiang, SHI Zhiliang, ZHANG Gaofeng, CHEN Feng, ZHANG Haitian |
NR Electric Co.,Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract The active support technology primarily based on distributed new energy is still in the developing stage, and the inertia support capacity of conventional generators still plays an important role. The excitation system, as the generator’s control core, directly affects the reliability of power supply. In this study, a generator excitation online monitoring system (GEOMS) is developed in view of the fact that there is limited monitoring capability in generator excitation. Firstly, hardware and software architecture of GEOMS are introduced, and the excitation monitoring model is designed according to four mainstream communication protocols. Secondly, the distributed front-end acquisition architecture that adapts to various communication protocols are proposed and a mathematical model for load balancing of acquisition channels is constructed to realize distributed acquisition and centralized monitoring of excitation signals. Finally, some basic functions, such as dynamic monitoring of excitation measurements and early warning of generator operating status, are developed. The developed system has been successfully applied in a 660MW unit.
Received: 29 April 2024
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SU Rongqiang,SHI Zhiliang,ZHANG Gaofeng等. Development and application of generator excitation online monitoring system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(11): 70-75.
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