Design of low-power power supply device applied to 10kV distribution network |
ZHOU Bin, LI Xuguang |
Zhuhai Xuji Electric Co., Ltd, Zhuhai, Guangdong 519060 |
Abstract The power supply device is an important component of the 10kV power distribution complete equipment, which has a significant impact on the functional implementation and reliability of the equi[ment. Capacitive power supply is a kind of widely used power supply in the 10kV power distribution network in recent years. This article introduces a design method of a capacitive power supply device, setting design goals from the selection of electric power and insulation performance indicators. It also describes the design process of key components such as high voltage capacitors, low voltage transformers, and protection circuits. A power supply device with an electric power greater than 15W and insulation performance that meets the requirements of 10kV applications is designed and manufactured. After simulation analysis and experimental verification, the power supply indicators and reliability of the capacitor power supply device meet the design expectations.
Received: 14 October 2024
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