Study on Optimization of Generator Excitation Control System Based on Fuzzy Immune PID |
Li Shuai, Yu Shaojuan |
Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024 |
Abstract Introduction was made to the structure of Synchronous generator excitation system. contrapose the shortcomings of the traditional PID controller, a PID fuzzy immune controller was presented with the combination of fuzzy control and immune feedback mechanism with the convention PID control. Via a simulation model in MATLAB/Simulink environment, emulation was implemented in three ways: PID controller、fuzzy adaptive PID controller and fuzzy immune PID controller. The results showed that the control performance of fuzzy immune PID controller was superior to PID controller and fuzzy adaptive PID controller. the results confirmed the effectiveness and superiority of the control method.
Published: 23 January 2014
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Li Shuai,Yu Shaojuan. Study on Optimization of Generator Excitation Control System Based on Fuzzy Immune PID[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(11): 6-10.
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