Correction Method for Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting Results Based on Mathematical Statistics |
Wang Shiqian, Tian Chunzheng, Huang Jinghui |
He’nan Electric Power Corporation Economic Research Institute, Zhengzhou 450052 |
Abstract To accurately forecast short-term wind speed can effectively reduce the adverse effects of wind power in power systems and improve the competition of wind power in power markets. Because of the strong randomicity of wind, the forecasting method at wind mutation points are greatly improved, and through improve the forecasting method itself cannot obtain more favorable effect. From the angle of revision, a revision method was proposed and applied to revision the forecast wind speed in this paper, which based on the historical data wave characteristics and confidence level. Under this method, we can turned the original forecast wind speed into the optimized forecast wind speed. The revision method applies to all short-term wind prediction methods. The validity and feasibility of the method was verified through the real example of a wind speed forecasting method based on the Grey model.
Received: 26 June 2014
Published: 23 January 2014
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Wang Shiqian,Tian Chunzheng,Huang Jinghui. Correction Method for Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting Results Based on Mathematical Statistics[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(11): 11-15.
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