Study on Three Phase Four Wire PWM Rectifier Based on Proportional-Resonant Control |
Huang Liang, Zhao Jian |
NARI Technology Development Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210032 |
Abstract For three phase four wire rectifier system, When grid voltage and load current imbalance or distortion, using synchronous dq transformation, The vector control system based on PI controller can not get zero static error. as the proportional-resonant(PR) controller has good advantage in AC signal regulate, This paper propose three phase four wire PWM rectifier control strategy based on PR control, simplified the control system structure, It can realize the voltage tracking operation when voltage imbalance. The voltage unbalance between the two group capacitors was analyzed and the corresponding restrain method was provided. The simulation model is built in MATLAB/Simulink at last, The simulation results verify the validity of the control strategy.
Published: 23 January 2014
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Huang Liang,Zhao Jian. Study on Three Phase Four Wire PWM Rectifier Based on Proportional-Resonant Control[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(12): 8-12.
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