Abstract:Lightning such as to endanger the safety of school buildings weak current equipment mainly through the direct lightning, induction thunder and lightning invasion wave methods in the atmospheric motion process. The weak current equipment of Guangxi west rural schools due to suffer lightning hazards and interference protection is difficult problem in the industry to be solved urgently because of its special geographical location and make the weak current equipment often suffer lightning hazards.Then analyzed guangxi west rural schools suffer lightning harm the cause of the weak current equipment and protective measures, solve the weak current equipment has long troubled western guangxi rural school because suffer lightning hazards and interference problems in put forward by equalizing ring, with limited function of pressure and discharge of lightning arrester and closed loop laying underground level methods of grounding body.
黄显吞. 桂西农村学校弱电设备防雷电危害与抗干扰分析[J]. 电气技术, 2015, 16(12): 124-127.
Huang, Xiantun. Analysis of the Guangxi West Rural Schools Weak Current Equipment Prevention of Lightning Hazard and Resistance to Interference. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(12): 124-127.