Economic Dispatch under Intelligent Residential Load Control Strategy
Chen Shizhe1, Li Tianran1, Yan Peng2, Zhang Jinlong1
1. School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210042; 2. State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company Hongze Power Supply Company, Huaian, Jiangsu 223100
Abstract:With smart grid technology is putted forward and spread, the traditional equipment like coal, oil, gas, and steam equipment is gradually replaced by the electric power equipment. Subjective intention and objective requirement of residential users to participate in the demand side response are more and more strong. Through the simulation and analysis of the residential user's electricity behavior, the study is based on the principle of residential demand response of smart home appliances. In this study, the smart household management (SHM) control strategy is proposed. The strategy provide feasible solutions for the residential customers to participate in the demand response plan, which in order to improve household electric economy, improve energy efficiency, and promote stability in the distribution network, and to achieve mutual benefits for both supply and demand sides.