白顺明1 , 陈磊2 , 姜飞2 , 杨睿行2
1. 国家电网公司华中分部,武汉 430077; 2. 长沙理工大学,长沙 410114
Multi-objective optimal model for power system considering wind power maximum accommodation
Bai Shunming1 , Chen Lei2 , Jiang Fei2 , Yang Ruixing2
1. Central China Branch of State Grid Corporation of China, Wuhan 430077; 2. Changsha University of Science &Technology, Changsha 410114
摘要 风电出力存在随机性和波动性,可灵活调节电源配置比例偏低,给风电消纳带来巨大挑战。为实现风电最大化消纳,提高电力系统经济运行效益,本文构建了考虑购电成本最小、风电消纳电量最大的多目标优化模型,采用第二代非支配排序遗传算法对优化模型求解;搭建含5台火电机组、1个风电场的电力系统模型,仿真验证了多目标模型及算法的有效性,实现了购电成本最小和风电消纳电量最大的目标。
关键词 :
风电 ,
最大化消纳 ,
购电成本 ,
Abstract :Due to the randomness and fluctuation of wind power output and the low proportion of flexible power supply in China, wind power consumption is limited and wind curtailment is quite serious. Therefore, in order to maximize the consumption of wind power and improve the economic benefits of power system operation, this paper constructed a multi-objective optimization model with the goal of minimum electricity purchase cost and maximum accommodation of wind power, and used the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) to solve the optimization model. The power system with five thermal power units and one grid-connected wind farm is simulated and verified. The calculation example shows that the model can minimize the purchase cost and maximize the consumption of wind power , which verifies the availability of the model.
Key words :
wind power
maximum accommodation
electricity purchase cost
收稿日期: 2019-06-11
出版日期: 2020-01-18
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51707014); 湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目(2018JJ3534); 可再生能源电力技术湖南省重点实验室基金资助(2017ZNDL005)
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Bai Shunming, Chen Lei, Jiang Fei, Yang Ruixing. Multi-objective optimal model for power system considering wind power maximum accommodation. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 7-11.
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