Simulation Analysis of Electric Field Distribution around Organic Composite Insulator on 750kV Lanzhoudong-Pingliang-Qianxian Electric Transmission Line |
Wen Dingjun1, Sun Yaming1, Wang Feng2, Zhang Xiubin1, Jiang Feng1 |
1. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730050; 2. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company, Lanzhou 730030 |
Abstract In order to study the distribution law of electric field around composite insulator of 750kV transmission line, and provide reference to related field test of composite insulator, with 750kV Lanzhoudong-Pingliang-Qianxian Electric Transmission Line as the object of study, intermediate support ZGU125 and Organic Composite Insulator FXBW-750/210 are studied. Finite element simulation model is established. Potential distribution and electric-field distribution of these insulator strings under actual operating voltage are simulated and calculated. Through simulation calculation, the maximum field strength is obtained, which can provide theoretical basis to the field test in the next step.
Published: 20 January 2017
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Wen Dingjun,Sun Yaming,Wang Feng等. Simulation Analysis of Electric Field Distribution around Organic Composite Insulator on 750kV Lanzhoudong-Pingliang-Qianxian Electric Transmission Line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(1): 56-60.
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