Application of PCS-9700 monitoring system in power distribution and transferring of NCPA |
Chen Shengyang, Zhu Yanli, Liu Hao |
The National Centre for the Performing Arts, Beijing 100031 |
Abstract This article describes the use of the NARI PCS-9700 monitoring system in the power distribution and transferring of NCPA. According to different levels, implementing the hardware configuration and network structure. Through communication management machine and network switch, the system collects the information from the terminal unit. And then the information is transferred to the station control level, so as to analysis, process and display by the monitoring host. The system has a flexible and versatile function, which can fully meet the needs of users. Combined with a breaker failure, the system shows a good effectiveness and practicability in the power running management.
Received: 13 November 2017
Published: 19 June 2018
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Chen Shengyang,Zhu Yanli,Liu Hao. Application of PCS-9700 monitoring system in power distribution and transferring of NCPA[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(6): 112-116.
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