Fault analysis and improvement measures of reactive power compensation device in substation |
Qiao Xiangyang, Liu Yun, Tao Beibei, Wang Sichang, Fang Liang |
State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company, Wuhu Power Supply Company, Wuhu, Anhui 241000 |
Abstract Reactive power compensation device has been widely promoted and applied in substation, the effect is remarkable. However, due to improper design, system harmonic factors, operation over-voltage influence, reactive power compensation device damage occurs frequently, seriously affecting the safe operation of the power grid, if not handled properly, the scope of the accident will be further expanded. In this paper, through the substation operation in the process of fault problems, in-depth analysis of the reactive power compensation device failure reasons, and reactive power compensation device is improved, give full play to its important role, to achieve its safe and reliable operation.
Received: 24 November 2017
Published: 17 July 2018
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Qiao Xiangyang,Liu Yun,Tao Beibei等. Fault analysis and improvement measures of reactive power compensation device in substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(7): 83-86.
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