Overview of multi rotor unmanned aerial vehicle transmission line inspection and obstacle avoidance technology |
LÜ Xuewei, SONG Fugen |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350000 |
Abstract With the rise of UAV technology, the power industry begins to use UAV for inspection, which not only improves the safety of inspection, but also improves the efficiency of inspection. The obstacle avoidance of UAV is the key to the safe operation of UAV. Under this background, this paper comprehensively introduces various obstacle avoidance methods of multi-rotor UAV. Firstly, several traditional obstacle avoidance methods are briefly introduced, such as those based on vision, radar, ultrasonic and infrared sensors and those based on columnar space. Then the obstacle avoidance method based on the spatial electromagnetic field distribution characteristics of transmission lines is introduced. By analyzing the distribution characteristics of the spatial electric field of the line, the spatial equivalent electric field intensity region is obtained, and this value is used as the main obstacle avoidance parameter. This obstacle avoidance method has the advantages of small size, light weight and high obstacle avoidance precision, which is more suitable for autonomous patrol control of large-scale UAV, and provides a safe and efficient obstacle avoidance strategy for large-scale autonomous patrol beyond line-of-sight.
Received: 20 August 2020
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