Study on dynamic contact resistance between pantograph and catenary in electrified railway |
Liu Fanglin |
Patent Examination Cooperation Center of the Patent Office, Sipo, Sichuan, Chengdu 610200 |
Abstract In modern traction power system, the pantograph and the catenary are used to provide electric energy for trains. The contact resistance between the pantograph strip and the contact wire affects the transmission quality of electric energy. This paper firstly analyses the influence of some factors on the contact resistance based on the contact resistance model. Then considering the shortfalls of previous studies, the dynamic theory is used to construct the pantograph and catenary simulation model. The contact force curve is obtained. Through introducing the dynamic contact force into the contact resistance model. The change of the contact resistance is obtained. Considering the real working conditions (such as different train speeds, different magnitudes of current), the statistics and change of the dynamic contact resistance are analysed.
Received: 24 December 2017
Published: 23 October 2018
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Liu Fanglin. Study on dynamic contact resistance between pantograph and catenary in electrified railway[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(9): 69-72.
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