On-line monitoring and locating system for cable fault in distribution network |
GUO Zigang, XU Tianle, CHEN Yulin, WANG Guang, CHEN Jun |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract In this paper, a set of on-line monitoring and locating system for cable fault in distribution network is proposed, which includes the functions of partial discharge monitoring, sheath circulation monitoring, traveling wave fault line selection and traveling wave fault location. High precision time synchronization technology is adopted in this system to realize synchronous acquisition between channels and devices, and multi-loop and multi-phase cable can be monitored simultaneously. Reliable startup of traveling wave and non-dead zone recording technology are used to accurately record the original waveform of the fault, which is convenient for fault analysis and processing. The accurate identification and location mode selection technology of traveling wave is adopted to improve the accuracy of cable fault location. The system is highly integrated and suitable for complex distribution system, which has high popularization value.
Received: 08 July 2022
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GUO Zigang,XU Tianle,CHEN Yulin等. On-line monitoring and locating system for cable fault in distribution network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(11): 74-79.
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