张乾良, 张依群, 区伟潮
广东电网公司佛山供电局,广东 佛山 528000
Application of SVG in Regional Power Grid
Zhang Qianliang, Zhang Yiqun, Ou Weichao
Foshan Power Supply of Guangdong Power Grid. Corporation, Foshan, Guangdong 528000
摘要 根据佛山电网的现场需求,针对FC调节电压能力差及区域电网电压不稳定问题,设计并实现了静态无功发生器(SVG)的控制策略。在对FC电压补偿和SVG电压补偿进行比较分析的基础上,对设计用于SVG区域电网的无功、电压综合控制策略进行试验分析,结果证明了主控策略的正确性。
关键词 :
静态无功发生器 ,
区域电网 ,
Abstract :Contrary to the regional power grid voltage instability and the shortcoming of FC in voltage regulation, this paper designs and implemented the static reactive power generator(SVG). Proposed the reactive power and voltage control strategy which is applied to SVG. Compared the voltage compensations of FC and SVG first and analysis the results of reactive power, voltage control strategy, the results prove the correctness of the control strategy, and verify that the SVG can adjust the grid voltage continuously.
Key words :
static var generator
regional power grid
reactive power compensation
出版日期: 2014-12-22
张乾良, 张依群, 区伟潮. SVG在区域电网中的应用[J]. 电气技术, 2014, 15(11): 83-85.
Zhang Qianliang, Zhang Yiqun, Ou Weichao. Application of SVG in Regional Power Grid. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(11): 83-85.
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