广东工业大学自动化学院,广州 510006
The Output Characteristics of Considering Charging Power of Submarine Cable of Wind Farm
Jiang Taotao,Wu Xiaomei,Bao Hu
School of automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006
摘要 考虑连接风电场的海底电缆的充电功率较大,易引起母线电压偏高的问题,本文指出了风电场存在一个出力下限。分析计算了不同无功补偿方式下,补偿容量与风电场出力下限的关系。采用稳态潮流仿真的方法,确定了不同方式下的风电场出力下限。当风电场采用超前功率因数运行,吸收海底电缆上的充电功率,并配合高抗的无功补偿装置,可以在满足电压不越界的条件下,降低风电场出力的下限,使风电场更好的参与电网的调节。
关键词 :
海上风电 ,
海底电缆 ,
充电功率 ,
Abstract :Considering charging power of submarine cable of wind farm influences the bus voltage , this paper points out that there is a lower limit of output of wind farm . The analysis and calculation of different reactive compensation mode, the relationship between the lower limit of the compensation capacity and the output of wind farm . this paper uses the method of steady state power flow simulation to determine the lower limit of wind farm under different ways of output. When the leading power factor operation adopts a wind farm, the absorption of charging power of submarine cable, reactive power compensation device of high resistance and coordination can satisfy the voltage does not cross the border conditions, reduce the lower limit of wind power grid, participate in making the regulation of wind farm better.
Key words :
offshore wind power
submarine cable
charging power
output of wind power
出版日期: 2015-05-19
作者简介 : 姜韬韬(1988-),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为电力系统分析、运行与控制。
姜韬韬,武小梅,鲍虎. 考虑海底电缆充电功率的风电场出力特性[J]. 电气技术, 2015, 16(05): 70-73.
Jiang Taotao,Wu Xiaomei,Bao Hu. The Output Characteristics of Considering Charging Power of Submarine Cable of Wind Farm. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(05): 70-73.
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