深圳能源集团股份有限公司东部电厂,广东 深圳 518120
Analysis of Steam Turbine Bypass Valve Actuator in M701F Combine Cycle Power Plant
Li Dong
Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd, Dongbu Power Plant, Shenzhen, Guangdong 51812
摘要 本文对汽轮机旁路阀的常发性故障作了简要分析和总结,针对故障原因提出了旁路阀执行器的改造方案,并对改造过程中所遇到的问题及处理方法进行了详细地阐述。
关键词 :
燃气轮机 ,
汽轮机旁路系统 ,
智能执行器 ,
Abstract :Turbine bypass valve is an important part of Steam Turbine playing an important role when the units start and stop. For the gas turbine combined cycle unit that is particularly important fully automatic bypass system. This article analyzes and concludes the hazards of turbine bypass valve and proposing an optimization program. The problems encountered in the process of transformation and the treatment methods are described in detail.
Key words :
gas turbine
bypass system of steam turbine
intelligent actuator
boiler level
出版日期: 2017-03-21
作者简介 : 李 东(1981-),男,技术工程师,现从事燃气轮机发电厂检修安全管理工作。
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Li Dong. Analysis of Steam Turbine Bypass Valve Actuator in M701F Combine Cycle Power Plant. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 131-135.
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