上海永锦电气技术股份有限公司,上海 201619
Innovation for commissioning test technology of cable connectors
Qin Hao
Shanghai Yongjin Electric Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201619
摘要 中压电缆所用的可分离连接器被广泛应用于10~35kV中压配电系统,其质量的管控非常重要。本文着重探讨此类产品安装后的交接试验技术,主要涉及产品的安装技术要点、交接试验技术要求等;同时推荐一种实用的交接试验用工装解决方案,使安装在电缆上的产品能接受有效的电气测试,便于电气使用性能的缺陷能够在安装后被排查出来,规避由于安装问题所导致的试验失败。
关键词 :
中压电缆 ,
电缆附件 ,
可分离连接器 ,
插拔头 ,
配电电缆 ,
交接试验 ,
电场仿真 ,
Abstract :Separable connectors are frequently equipped in 10~35kV MV power distribution systems. And the quality control is really important for them. This paper focuses on the commissioning test technology for them after installation, such as installation technology knowhow and commissioning test requirements. A practical tooling solution is proposed for application in commissioning tests, which enables the cable connectors to be effectively tested after installation. So, it becomes easier to check out electrical defects after installation and to avoid test failures due to improper installation.
Key words :
MV cable
cable accessory
separable connector
plug-in connector
power distribution cable
commissioning test
electric field simulation
finite element method
收稿日期: 2019-01-21
出版日期: 2019-09-12
作者简介 : 秦浩(1972-),男,学士,工程师,主要从事电力电缆附件的应用、设计、研发和技术支持工作。
秦浩. 电缆可分离连接器现场交接试验的技术改进[J]. 电气技术, 2019, 20(9): 83-90.
Qin Hao. Innovation for commissioning test technology of cable connectors. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(9): 83-90.
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