陶宇航, 张熹, 宫祥龙
国网天津市电力公司城西供电分公司,天津 300113
Typical cases analysis of 10kV cable fault location
TAO Yuhang, ZHANG Xi, GONG Xianglong
Chengxi District Supply Company, State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company, Tianjin 300113
摘要 随着社会经济的不断发展,城市配电网中的电缆线路占比越来越大。当电缆发生故障时,由于放电位置在地层下,需要首先进行故障定位才可进行修复。本文结合六起10kV中压电缆故障,通过低压脉冲法、冲闪法及二次脉冲法分析波形数据,进行故障点位初步测距;再通过声磁同步法,精确定位故障点。最后,将电缆故障部分进行解剖,分析具体故障原因,为中压电缆终端在电力系统中安全、稳定运行提供依据。
关键词 :
中压电缆 ,
故障定位 ,
波形分析 ,
Abstract :With the continuous development of social economy, cable lines account for an increasing proportion of urban power supply networks. Because the discharge location is usually under the soil layer when a cable faults, it is necessary to locate the fault first before it can be repaired. This article combines six 10kV medium voltage cross-linked polyethylene cable faults, analyzes the waveform data through the low-voltage pulse method, the flash method and the secondary pulse method, and conducts a preliminary distance measurement of the fault point; and uses the acousto-magnetic synchronization method to accurately locate the fault location. Finally, the fault part of the cable is dissected, and the specific cause of the fault is analyzed to provide a basis for the safe and stable operation of the medium-voltage cable terminal in the power system.
Key words :
medium voltage cable
fault location
waveform analysis
power distribution network
收稿日期: 2021-10-18
作者简介 : 陶宇航(1990—),男,天津人,硕士,工程师,主要从事配电网运行检修管理工作。
陶宇航, 张熹, 宫祥龙. 10kV电缆故障测距及定位典型案例分析[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(2): 88-93.
TAO Yuhang, ZHANG Xi, GONG Xianglong. Typical cases analysis of 10kV cable fault location. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(2): 88-93.
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