兰威, 陈飞雄
福州大学电气工程与自动化学院,福州 350108
Cooperative operation strategy of distribution network and virtual power plants considering congestion management
LAN Wei, CHEN Feixiong
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108
摘要 新型配电网系统中,作为管理分布式资源的一种有效手段,虚拟电厂示范点开始集中涌现。多个虚拟电厂接入配电网后,若缺乏对内部资源协调及配电网的引导机制,将导致虚拟电厂收益低下与配电网潮流越限的问题。对此,本文构建虚拟电厂内产消者互助的点对点电能共享机制,并以电价引导方式建立虚拟电厂与配电网的协同运行模型。首先,虚拟电厂内采用分布式方法协调各类型产消者的电能管理,并求得对外与配电网的交互策略;同时,配电网基于拉格朗日乘子得到阻塞价格引导各虚拟电厂调整交互策略,实现在多虚拟电厂接入场景下的安全运行。最后,经算例验证表明,本文方法能兼顾配电网运行的安全性与虚拟电厂的经济性。
关键词 :
配电网 ,
分布式资源 ,
点对点电能共享 ,
虚拟电厂 ,
Abstract :In the modern distribution system, as an effective method to manage distributed resources, the pilot projects of virtual power plant (VPP) are springing up. Multiple VPPs have accessed to the distribution network. Lacking of effective method to coordinate internal resources and guidance of distribution network may bring problems of low income and power flow off-limit. Therefore, a peer-to-peer electricity sharing mechanism is applied in VPP, and a cooperative operation model between VPP and distribution network is established. Firstly, based on the complementary characteristics of multiple prosumers integrated in VPP, a distributed optimization is adopted to manage the interaction strategy with the distribution network. In the distribution network, to ensure the safety operation with multiple VPPs, the congestion management price is obtained based on the Lagrange multiplier to guide the VPPs to adjust their scheduling strategy. The simulation results show that the proposed method can ensure the safety of distribution network operation and the economy of VPPs operation.
Key words :
distribution network
distributed energy resources
peer-to-peer electricity sharing
virtual power plant
congestion management
收稿日期: 2022-02-16
基金资助: 福州大学科研启动基金(510773); 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目(JAT190039)
作者简介 : 兰 威(1997—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为虚拟电厂的分布式控制。
兰威, 陈飞雄. 计及阻塞管理的虚拟电厂与配电网协同运行策略[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(6): 30-41.
LAN Wei, CHEN Feixiong. Cooperative operation strategy of distribution network and virtual power plants considering congestion management. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(6): 30-41.
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