陈威1 , 刘冬1 , 叶少士2
1. 浙江网新联合工程有限公司,杭州 310051 2. 诺基亚通信系统技术有限公司,杭州 310053
Control strategy for driving AC LED based on energy balancing
Chen Wei1 , Liu Dong1 , Ye Shaoshi2
1. Zhejiang Insigma United Engineering Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310051 2. Nokia Networks, Hangzhou 310053
摘要 针对传统大功率交流LED控制策略中未能解决的分段导通能量不平衡问题,本文提出了一种基于LED发光能量均衡的分段导通控制策略。该策略在保留原有的高功率因数/低谐波的基础上,根据每一段LED的开通和关断时间加以算法优化,从而保证在一个交流周期内分段LED的发光能量严格相等,延长了LED灯具的实际使用寿命。给出了原理分析和设计原则,实验样机证明了该新颖控制策略的有效性。
关键词 :
交流LED ,
能量平衡 ,
Abstract :To overcome the energy unbalancing issue exhibiting in the conventional high power AC LED control strategies, this paper proposed a novel control strategy based on the energy balancing of each LED segments when powered on. While inherited the high PF/low THD merits as like its ancestor, this proposed control method can assure an equal power among each LED segment theoretically throughout an entire AC period, based on the optimum algorithm for conducting time, and which can lengthen the lifespan for the LED luminaire. Principle analysis and design considerations were given and an experimental prototype verified the validity.
Key words :
energy balancing
control strategy
收稿日期: 2017-06-01
出版日期: 2018-02-07
基金资助: 国家高技术研究发展计划项目(863 计划)(2013AA03A117)
作者简介 : 陈威(1982-),男,浙江杭州人,博士,中级工程师,现从事电力电子拓扑、高可靠性LED驱动技术、智慧城市分布式微电网系统的研究工作
陈威, 刘冬, 叶少士. 基于能量平衡的交流LED驱动策略[J]. 电气技术, 2018, 19(2): 46-48.
Chen Wei, Liu Dong, Ye Shaoshi. Control strategy for driving AC LED based on energy balancing. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(2): 46-48.
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