吕森, 宗鸣, 张昀琦
沈阳工业大学,沈阳 110870
Theoretical research and control strategy of a double winding electromagnetic release
LÜ Sen, ZONG Ming, ZHANG Yunqi
Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870
摘要 为满足智能电网对多层级配电网络的选择性保护要求,断路器中的脱扣器必须实现短路短延时保护功能。为此,本文提出一种双绕组电磁脱扣器,从理论分析和有限元仿真两个方向介绍其工作原理。设计了基于磁簧开关和时间继电器的控制模块,并给出时间继电器的控制策略。理论分析和有限元仿真表明,二次绕组具有去磁作用,可以实现短路短延时的目的。时间继电器的控制模块可对动作时间做出调整,从而可根据实际需要灵活改变短路短延时时长,具有很高的实用性。
关键词 :
短路短延时 ,
双绕组 ,
去磁作用 ,
Abstract :In order to meet the selective protection requirements of smart grid for multi-level distribution network, the release of circuit breaker must realize the function of short-circuit short-time delay protection. For this reason, a double winding electromagnetic release is presented, and its working principle is introduced from the two directions of theoretical analysis and finite element simulation. The control module based on magnetic reed switch and time relay is designed, and the control strategy of time relay is given. Theoretical analysis and finite element simulation show that the secondary winding has demagnetization effect, which can achieve the purpose of short-circuit short-time delay. The control module of the time relay can adjust the action time, so as to flexibly change the short-circuit delay time according to the actual needs, which has high practicability.
Key words :
short-circuit short-time delay
double winding
control strategy
收稿日期: 2020-10-26
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目(51777129)
作者简介 : 吕 森(1989—),男,博士研究生,主要研究方向为智能电器及设计。
吕森, 宗鸣, 张昀琦. 一种双绕组电磁脱扣器的理论研究及控制策略[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(6): 1-6.
LÜ Sen, ZONG Ming, ZHANG Yunqi. Theoretical research and control strategy of a double winding electromagnetic release. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(6): 1-6.
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