李进1,2 , 张涛1,2 , 张灏1,2 , 李玉平1,2 , 薛明军1,2
1.国电南京自动化股份有限公司,南京 210032; 2.南京国电南自电网自动化有限公司,南京 211153
A scheme for online identification of abnormal interval of optical fiber channel
LI Jin1,2 , ZHANG Tao1,2 , ZHANG Hao1,2 , LI Yuping1,2 , XUE Mingjun1,2
1. Guodian Nanjing Automation Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210032; 2. Nanjing Guodian Nanzi Grid Automation Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211153
摘要 光纤复用通道出现链路异常后,运维人员使用传统检测方式费时费力,同时光纤通道报文无记录,对瞬时异常无法追踪。针对此种场景进行通道异常检测研究,分析通道异常传统检测方法,在此基础上提出一种在线识别光纤通道异常区间的方案,并进一步阐述关键技术,开展装置开发研制和测试,以满足光纤通道异常分析可定位、可追溯的需求。结果表明,此方案可实现在线识别通道异常区间,可通过报文记录进一步追溯异常原因。本文提出的方案有效提高了通道异常检修效率,为分析通道异常原因提供了有利依据,具有较好的经济性。
关键词 :
光纤通道 ,
复用通道 ,
异常检测 ,
继电保护 ,
Abstract :As the abnormal link of the optical fiber multiplexing channel occurs, maintenance staff use traditional detection method which is time-consuming and laborious. Meanwhile, the optical fiber channel message is not recorded, so the instantaneous anomaly cannot be tracked. For this application scenario, channel anomaly detection method is studied in this paper. Based on the analysis of traditional detection methods, this paper puts forward a scheme for online identification of abnormal interval of optical fiber channel, further expounds the key technology and carries out the development and testing of devices to satisfy the requirements of fiber channel anomaly analysis that can be located and traced. The results show that this scheme can identify channel anomalies and locate abnormal regions online, and can further trace the causes of anomalies through message recording. The scheme proposed in this paper can effectively improve the efficiency of abnormal overhaul of fiber multiplexing channels and provide a favorable basis for analyzing the causes of channel anomalies. It has good economy.
Key words :
fiber channel
multiplex channel
anomaly detection
relay protection
收稿日期: 2020-08-04
作者简介 : 李 进(1988—),男,河南省安阳市人,本科,助理工程师,主要从事电力系统继电保护研究工作。
李进, 张涛, 张灏, 李玉平, 薛明军. 一种在线识别光纤通道异常区间的方案[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(3): 26-31.
LI Jin1,2 , ZHANG Tao1,2 , ZHANG Hao1,2 , LI Yuping1,2 , XUE Mingjun1,2 . A scheme for online identification of abnormal interval of optical fiber channel. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(3): 26-31.
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