刘壮, 韩雪岩, 高俊
沈阳工业大学国家稀土永磁电机工程技术研究中心,沈阳 110870
Strength analysis of high-speed permanent magnet motor rotor based on thermo-solid coupling
LIU Zhuang, HAN Xueyan, GAO jun
National Engineering Research Center for REPM Machine, Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang 110870
摘要 表贴式永磁电动机在高速运行时,转子受到的冲击大、温度高,为了保证高温高速转子的运行强度,需要对转子进行考虑温度场的强度校核。本文基于三维温度场采用热固耦合的方法对高速永磁电动机转子强度进行分析,对比冷态与工作温度下的应力分布变化,得出高速永磁电动机必须考虑温升对转子强度影响的结论。进一步考虑过盈量、护套厚度、永磁体分段对转子热态强度的影响,得出该永磁电动机满足高速高温条件下的转子各部件尺寸,为该类高速永磁电动机的设计提供可靠依据。
关键词 :
高速电动机 ,
永磁 ,
护套 ,
强度分析 ,
Abstract :When the high-speed surface-mount permanent magnet motor is running at high speed, the rotor is subject to large impact and high temperature. In order to ensure the operating strength of the high-temperature high-speed rotor, it is necessary to check the strength of the rotor considering the temperature field. Based on the 3D temperature field, the thermal-solid coupling method is used to analyze the rotor strength of the high-speed permanent magnet motor, and the stress distribution changes under the cold state and operating temperature are compared. It is concluded that the high-speed permanent magnet motor must consider the influence of temperature rise on the rotor strength. At the same time, further considering the influence of interference, sleeve thickness, and segmentation on the thermal strength of the rotor, it is concluded that the permanent magnet motor meets the size of the rotor components under high-speed and high-temperature conditions, which provides a reliable basis for the design of this type of high-speed permanent magnet motor.
Key words :
high-speed motor
permanent magnet
strength analysis
thermo-solid coupling
收稿日期: 2020-09-28
作者简介 : 刘壮(1996—),男,在读硕士研究生,研究方向为特种电机及其控制。
刘壮, 韩雪岩, 高俊. 基于热固耦合的高速永磁电动机转子强度分析[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(5): 1-5.
LIU Zhuang, HAN Xueyan, GAO jun. Strength analysis of high-speed permanent magnet motor rotor based on thermo-solid coupling. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(5): 1-5.
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