华能汇流河发电厂,内蒙古 牙克石 022150
Discussion on maintenance test method of intelligent low-voltage circuit breaker
FU Liguo
Huaneng Huiliuhe Power Plant, Yakeshi, Inner Mongolia 022150
摘要 本文由一起火力发电厂低压厂用电系统馈线电缆短路故障时低压断路器发生拒动导致的越级跳闸事件,引发对智能低压断路器维护检验方法的思考。本文简要介绍智能低压断路器电流互感器的特点,由此提出对断路器维护检验方法的探讨,重点阐述智能保护器的试验方法,为确保断路器处于可靠工作状态提出日常维护建议。
关键词 :
低压断路器 ,
电流互感器 ,
维护 ,
Abstract :This paper discusses the maintenance and inspection method of intelligent low-voltage circuit breaker, which is caused by a skip trip event caused by the failure of low-voltage circuit breaker when the feeder cable of low-voltage auxiliary power system in thermal power plant is short circuited. This paper briefly introduces the characteristics of the current transformer of intelligent low-voltage circuit breaker, and puts forward maintenance and inspection methods of the circuit breaker, focusing on the test methods of the intelligent protector. In order to ensure the reliable operation of circuit breaker, suggestions for routine maintenance are put forward.
Key words :
low-voltage circuit breaker
current transformer
收稿日期: 2022-07-24
作者简介 : 付立国(1979—),男,高级工程师,从事发电厂继电保护监督与维护工作。
付立国. 关于智能低压断路器维护检验方法的探讨[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(12): 81-84.
FU Liguo. Discussion on maintenance test method of intelligent low-voltage circuit breaker. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(12): 81-84.
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