郑新龙, 李世强, 敬强, 徐蓓蓓
国网舟山供电公司, 浙江舟山316021
Damage Analysis and Protection of Submarine Power Cable
Zheng Xinlong, Li Shiqiang, Jing Qiang, Xu Beibei
Zhoushan Electric Power Bureau, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316021
摘要 随着社会经济的发展, 海底电力电缆的应用已日益广泛, 发挥着电能输送的重要作用。海底电力电缆工作环境复杂, 受损原因和陆上电缆差异很大, 一旦损坏修复周期长, 社会影响大。为了确保海底电力电缆能够安全运行, 其防护工作已迫在眉睫。分析了引起海底电力电缆损伤的因素, 并从设计、施工、监测等几个方面提出防护措施, 为保障海底电力电缆的安全敷设和稳定运行提供参考。
关键词 :
海底电力电缆 ,
损伤 ,
Abstract :With the development of society and economy, the application of submarine power cable is more and more widely, and plays an important role for power transmission. Submarine power cable working environment is complex, the reasons of damage are extremely different from land cable, and it will spend long cycle to repair once damaged, with large social impact. So the protection work is imminent in order to ensure the safe operation of submarine power cable. Analysis of the factors that causing the submarine power cable damage, and puts forward the corresponding preventive measures from design, construction, monitoring and other aspects, to provide the reference for protecting the safe laying and stable operation of submarine power cable.
Key words :
submarine power cable
出版日期: 2014-01-23
作者简介 : 郑新龙(1982-), 男, 工学硕士, 工程师, 主要从事海洋输电技术和海底电缆方面的研究工作。
郑新龙, 李世强, 敬强, 徐蓓蓓. 海底电力电缆的损伤分析与防护[J]. 电气技术, 2013, 14(12): 86-88.
Zheng Xinlong, Li Shiqiang, Jing Qiang, Xu Beibei. Damage Analysis and Protection of Submarine Power Cable. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(12): 86-88.
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